Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Yeah, I got nothing on this blog title. I just thought it was neat.
Ha! So nothing new has been happening in my life. Though today I was cut off by some deranged psycho-driver woman who was so busy trying to beat me that she didn't realize I was stopping for CROSSING CHILDREN!
She nearly ran over several five year olds. Omigod. Thank goodness the police (for once) was there and pulled her over. Idiot. She should have been arrested.
So that was the excitement for my day. Neato huh?
You know what sickens me? The people that mock the chubby people at the gym. Hello, they are fat, yes, but they are here to excercise! Give them some damn credit won't ya? This asshole beside me (hot as he was) kept muttering nasty comments to his friends about the girl in front of us on the treadmill. I told him to shut the fuck up and then he started ranting on me. Perfect.
Happier notes here:
Today i ate a big burger from Culvers!
Ok so it defeats the purpose of working out but hey.
I would like to drag race next year.
I think I shall :)

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Heavenly Whores

Ok so maybe some of my friends are into that whole Heavenly Bodies bar thing and maybe they are not all whores. I just thought it was a neat title for todays blog post. Hee hee!
But really...I don't think women are whores just cuz they sleep around. I mean guys do it all the freaking time and nobody tells them shit about it!
Kinda reminds me of that song by xtina aguilera
Yeah i know I spelt it wrong. Sue me!
I wonder how ppl get followers on their blogs. I've looked around and some have more than a hundred followers!! How the hell do they do that?
Maybe they go viral or something. Who knows.
Wow. I gotta get more interesting stuff to write about.
Wanna hear about how my dog pissed all over my living room rug?
Yeah that was so not fun to clean up. It was a brand new rug too! Bastard.
I love him though. He is my guy :)

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

You Can't Keep a Good Bitch Down

Well you can't! =)
I finally get some days off! Which means I can finally get some reading in and do all those other things I've been neglecting.
Like cleaning my toilet.
I don't think that's going to get done this week either. I wish I could hire a maid.
Hell, I wish I could just marry some rich guy and live the life of lavish style!
Like on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
Except without the famous part. I'd much rather help make ppl famous than the other way around. Is that weird? Probabaly. Who cares.
My ex is history. I may move on to women. They're so much nicer.
What the hell am I saying? Women are bitches.
Most of the time.
I know I am come that time once a month :)

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Phew! I haven't really been keeping up with my blog. Like anybody is even reading! I have like two followers and one of them is me!
What the hell?
So topic of the day is cheerios. I hate them.
Idk why and there really isn't a good reason. It's just that they are small, round and taste like cardboard. Even the honey ones aren't too great. Unfortunately they are the cheapest thing and when I'm on a budget (more like when it's the week to pay my rent) it's what I eat for breakfast. :(
Today I had lucky charms though.
Omigod! And that burrito I had last night did NOT have fun in my stomach!
I was tossing and turning all night with naseau and pain and I really wanted to throw it up but since I'm totally scared of that, I didn't.
I really need more time in the day.
So anywaze--I have nothing more to say.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Aspiring Author Alert!

Her name is Raven Clark and she is AWESOME! So follow her blog!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why oh Why

I had to go to the liqour store (had to I swear!) today for a friend.  Of course I bought myself a bottle...might as well since I'm already there.  :)  And this guy outside asks me for two bucks.  He's hungry.  Suuurree.  So I give it to him, and I swear to God...he pulls of his hat and puts on a different one.  Then when I walk out, he asks me for money.  Does he really think I'm stupid??  Lol.  Maybe he thought I was drunk or something.  Or maybe he was....nice.
It was too hilarious!
I gave him two more bucks just for making me laugh.

Aspiring Author Alert!

Ok so I have to tell you all this!
I joined WeBook and found a bunch of great writers!
One of which I want to share with you all....her pen name is Ree Vera and she writes romance.
I believe she will be the next big thing.
There is no reason for her not to get published!  She's got it all!
Humor, romance, wit, suspense, etc....
so read her stuff!  Join her website!


I found this new's called webook!
I think I'm gonna join.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Boredom is Killer

Gotta love baseball
I don't but you have to.
ha ha
Oh I am in so much trouble!
I have this damn paper I needed to write for school and guess what I decide to do all day?
Absolutely nothing!
I should have had plenty of time but I wound up sleeping until two this afternoon.  then I had some ice cream.  Then I cleaned up the dining room.  Which for some reason had an empty box of pizza on the floor.  Hm.  Did I order that?  Maybe my bff did.  She was over last nite.
I'm going to kill her if she used my credit card tho.
I also found that on the floor.
Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh
It's so late! Shit!
Too late to work on papers.
Maybe tomorrow?